Your name: Shane Kreiling, Jordan Wilson
Website: kmkins.com
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Phone Number: 301-724-1013
What kinds of insurance do you offer?
We offer policies for all of your needs except major medical insurance. Including Auto, Homeowners, Renters Policies, Landlord/Rental, Business Insurance, Workers Compensation, Medicare Supplement, Life Insurance policies, and more!
What kinds of insurance do you recommend for a homebuyer?
For a homebuyer we would recommend a Homeowners insurance policy that includes replacement cost. This way if you do suffer a loss, you have adequate coverage to make yourself whole again. We also recommend having a life insurance policy on yourself to cover any mortgage that would be outstanding should you pass away, so you’re not passing along that debt to your spouse or family members.
When inspecting a home for home-owners insurance, what are you looking for?
We mainly look for pride of ownership. We like to see that you take care of the property and not just live there. In addition to that, we check the roof for overall condition/age, we check the foundation to make sure its stable, we look at your heating source to make sure its safe/up to date. We also look for hazards that could cause you losses down the road. For example, missing or hanging gutters can cause water damage to the home, or a missing handrail could allow someone to fall easily. We want to make sure your home is safe for you to live in and in turn, insure it correctly.
What kinds of insurance do you recommend for someone buying a commercial property and starting a business?
Starting a business can be an exciting time with lots to take care of. We love being able to help new and existing business owners with the insurance process. We would recommend being properly insured to your class of business with a general liability policy, building coverage and business property. These policies can also provide coverage for income loss due to business interruption should something happen and you have close up shop for a period of time. You should also have a workers compensation policy in place to protect your employees if they’re injured on the job.
What kind of insurance do you recommend for landlords?
For landlords, we’d recommend having the home or building coverage amount to at least cover your investment, but preferably insured to replacement cost. If you have things in the property such as appliances, furniture, etc., you want to have some personal property coverage included to cover those items. Many of our carriers offer landlord specific packages or “Rented to others” policies.
What kind of insurance do you recommend for renters?
It’s important that people who rent cover their personal property with a Tenant or Renters policy. Most times, the property owners policy is not going to pay to replace your things. These policies can be extremely affordable. We see plenty of renters policies that cost less than $20 a month. When it comes down to it, its much cheaper than having to replace all your belongings in the event of a claim.
Is it true that flood insurance rates are going down?
We have seen a decrease recently in the average flood insurance premium. This is mainly because now lenders are now required to accept Private Flood Insurance. As opposed to rates controlled by the National Flood Insurance Program, these Private companies are taking on the risk themselves and naming their own premiums, which is helping the market become more competitive, and more consumer friendly.
What is something not many people know about insurance, that you think should be more known?
There are plenty of perks and coverages that insurance policies can offer that people don’t know of. But we think more people should know about the advantages that life insurance has even while you’re still living. With the right policy, it can provide long term care expenses should you need home health care, be put in a long term care facility, or a nursing home. It can be used as a great savings account, while also providing a death benefit. There are many things a life insurance policy can do for you, in addition to providing your loved ones financial security, should you no longer be able to.
For more information, give Shane or Jordan a call or check out their website!